Tormented Souls Puzzles Guide – How to Complete

A game analysis of “Tormented Souls” by Meltingtop Games.

This Guide to Tormented Souls Puzzles will walk you through all of the game’s problem solutions. To advance through the narrative, you must solve a variety of challenges, such as breaking codes and solving form puzzles.

This is a work-in-progress guide. More puzzle answers will be published in the near future.

Tormented Souls Puzzles Guide

We’ve included all of the riddles in the game, along with their answers, below.

1st Conundrum: How to Unlock a Public Bathroom Lock

You’ll find yourself in the public restroom in the first few minutes of the game, when one of the lockers is padlocked. The clue itself may be discovered in this restroom, in the form of a watch that reads 12:35. This is the code (or numbers) that must be entered to release the padlock.

Activate Generator is the second puzzle.

This puzzle may be found in the generator room, where you must start the generator. However, you’ll need the current pressure on the control panel before you can start it. This may be accomplished by utilizing and altering the valve’s control panel. You must adjust the pressure till the dial reads 11 in order to solve this problem. Place the valve on the bottom left pipe and turn it open to do this. Except for the one on the bottom left, open all the other valves now. This will turn the dial up to eleven.

Iron Door Knocker (Puzzle #3)

To complete this problem, you must first get the Door Knocker and place it on the door. However, before you go for the answer, you must first hear it for yourself. For this problem, you’ll need two essential items: the Door Knocker located in the Chapel, and the Stethoscope to hear the answer for the Door Knocker. The Stethoscope is kept in the Sewing Room and may be used on the main hall’s statue.

You may now utilize the solution on the library door by knocking slow once, then three consecutive rapid knocks, and finally two slow knocks after hearing the solution.

Experiment Room Skeleton is the fourth puzzle.

You must push a sequence of buttons on the skeletons in the right order to defeat the skeleton in the Experiment room. Beginning from the top, push the head, then the abdomen, and finally the right hand. The neck, chest, and last but not least, the neck are the final three buttons.

Mansion Doors with Combination Key (puzzle #5)

After acquiring the Combination Key in the Experiment Room with the skeleton, there are four locked doors within the house that need you to complete riddles. Three boxes of various forms may be found on the Combination Key. To open all of the doors, they may be altered and tweaked, but they must be in the proper form and order.

The following are the combinations for all doors:


  • Square at the top
  • Triangle in the middle
  • Star at the bottom

Room to eat

  • Square at the top
  • Hexagon in the middle
  • Pentagon (bottom)


  • Star at the top
  • Triangle in the middle
  • Hexagon at the bottom

Intensive Treatment

  • Pentagon (top)
  • Triangle in the middle
  • Circle at the bottom

Vending Machine (puzzle #6)

There is a Cash Counter in the Archives that needs a code to access. To open it and get the Coins within, you must input the Code: 0414. This is a crucial item that will be used in the vending machine.

Play the tiny yet simple mini-game after inserting the coin into the vending machine. This will finish the riddle and provide you access to the blood bag.

Puzzle #7 is a puzzle about a judge.

You must collect the hammer from 2C room and the parchment from the guillotine in 2D room in order to complete this puzzle. A Judge block is located in the same room, and you must rearrange the forms in the proper sequence.

The answer to the problem on the left is:

  1. No See Monkey (hands covering eyes)
  2. No Monkey Hears (hands covering ears)
  3. No Talking Monkey (hands covering mouth)
  4. Monkey with no head

This guide is still under construction; additional problems and answers will be published in the near future. Please leave your thoughts in the box below.

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