[Custom Try Mode] Adding toggleable terrain edge display

This weekend I added a new “Custom Try” mode to my game, Wipeout 2048. The short explanation of this mode is that you can create much larger terrain objects, in order to make the game more interesting, to make the player feel more immersed in the game world.

One of the biggest advantages to playing games on mobile devices is the ability to play them on the go. When playing games on a phone or tablet, you can get a lot of enjoyment from playing by yourself, with a friend, or in a co-op mode. But sometimes, you’d like to try a more challenging game with a friend, or a more interesting playstyle. In this case, you can ‘toggle’ the terrain using the edge of your phone or tablet.

This text is sensitive. Try generating new copy.

How it works is as follows:

bool libHAITUT gt Guides Func libHAITUT gt Guides Func libHAITUT gt Gu (bool testConds, bool runActions) / Automatic Variable Declarations / Variable Initialization lv player = 1; / Conditions / Actions if (!runActions) return true; Return true by using UnitCreateEffectUnit(libGame gv players.lv heroUnit, “UpdateBorders”, libGame gv players.lv heroUnit); /————————————————————————————————————————————————— void libHAITUT gt Guides Init libHAITUT gt Guides Init libHAITUT g () TriggerAddEventTimePeriodic(libHAITUT gt Guides, 1.5, c timeGame); libHAITUT gt Guides = TriggerCreate(“libHAITUT gt Guides Func”);

This is galaxyscript, which is one method to control game behavior. In this case, we’re generating the effect UpdateBorders on player 1’s hero unit every 1.5 seconds, which is cast by player 1’s hero unit. We’d want to iterate over each player’s hero unit, allowing for special situations like D.Va or Rexxar, who have numerous hero units, to execute this correctly for all players.

This is data that has been formatted in XML. What you see first are Mei and Jaina’s actor entries, which contain additional functions such as what to do when the actor is created, as well as functions to create the edge collisions actor when the UpdateBorders effect is fired and colourblind mode is enabled, or to destroy them when the UpdateBorders effect is fired and colourblind mode is disabled, and to create the edge collisions actor when the UpdateBorders effect is fired and colourblind mode is disabled, as well as creating the edge collisions (meaning when the hero is killed)

This is possible because actors may query the colorblind mode using the InColorblindMode keyword, similar to how you would check for a validator.

Original source: link

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For the game Heroes of the Storm, write “[Custom Try Mode] Adding toggleable terrain edge display.”

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