The Enduring Popularity Of Retro Game Formats, From Slots To Arcade Titles


There’s something unique about things from the past. They are called old because, according to worldly standards, they’re not considered to be in trend. This concept is found in many industries, such as art, fashion, movies, music, etc…

Yes, I love to be surprised and find out what the latest trends are in different industries. We as humans naturally like to evolve; it’s in our nature. And it’s not unlikely with technology becoming increasingly like a second skin.

Despite all these new fads and conceptions in the world, I do find that some new creations take their inspiration from the past. This is true of many different markets, especially the creative ones. Today, in iGaming, I’ve seen many reboots of titles that date from 20 years ago or software companies creating titles that have a theme, graphics, sounds, and visuals that take us back to the olden days.

Is Retro Still Popular in Game Formats?

According to authorities, when we use the word “retro,” we’re talking about subjects and objects that date back 20 years. I won’t be too strict with this timeline limit, as there are some elements that I know many of us consider to be retro and date back more than 20 years.

But it’s not just about nostalgia. Some of the oldest game formats in the world are proving enduringly popular because, well, they work. They’re relatively simple – at least, in comparison to today’s super nuanced gameplay mechanics – and simplicity is often the key to keeping people interested over long stretches of time.


Think about slots. Online slots today are all inspired by the machines that came before them, and there’s something retro yet classic about the old gambling halls of brick-and-mortar casinos. These days, there are so many variations on that classic – so many, in fact, that review sites like are working round the clock to curate and review the very best of the bunch, and casino sites are offering more and more tempting offers like 100 free spins – but they are all predicated on that one very simple mechanic: pull the lever (or push the button) and wait for the reels to stop spinning.

The Enduring Presence Of Arcades

Playing online titles today is very convenient because technology has opened up more possibilities for playing on different platforms. Plus, I can play whenever I want. I just need a decent internet connection.

But I do know many people who still love to have the Las Vegas experience and go to a physical entertainment house or just go to Las Vegas for the top-notch package. You have to understand that many have only played on online platforms but would love to be in that environment at least once in their lifetime.

I could be transported inside a physical entertainment house with virtual and augmented reality, but the reality is always best. I don’t think that AR and VR will let me experience the taste of my favorite cocktail.

Aside from the slot machines, you could also try out the arcade machine, which I know is reminiscent of many people’s childhood. Yes, arcades still do exist and are slowly on the rise again. Several places have reintroduced or added more than one arcade in the last six years.

I think this is because people sometimes miss that personal interaction while playing. But some of these new arcade machines have been modified, obviously, to suit the times. They’re different compared to what some of us grew up with. Many of the modern arcades I’ve encountered include a compartment for food and drinks.

In all fairness, arcades’ popularity has decreased compared to when they were most popular in the 1980s and 1990s. Nonetheless, they are still sought after. I still jump up and down internally whenever I see an arcade machine because I want to explore more.


It’s still a unique experience today because it’s the most fun, and because they are more social, arcades continue to have a place in the present-day entertainment ecosystem. This is very much the case in niche markets and some urban spots. Other points that still make arcades relevant today:

  • Social interaction
  • Unique and niche games
  • Nostalgia and community
  • Specialized gaming experiences
  • Tourism and entertainment opportunity.

In Closing

As mentioned, with technology growing, I have seen some arcades adapted to current divertissement fads and innovations. The most recent models I’ve seen are driving ones with a seat, a steering wheel, and a screen in front of you that mimics your slightest movements from the controls.

I’ve also seen street fighter-style fighting arcades that are still present. You would find these things a few decades back, but now, they have a modern touch. There are still coin pushers, skeeball, and other titles that aren’t video-related.

But I can still find some retro arcades that have kept old machines. Some rare modern arcades have made room for these machines on their floors. You’ll just need to research these arcades, but they are not that difficult to find, as they still exist.

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