Review – Scarf –

Scarf is a blockchain-powered virtual reality game that allows players to explore the world and do things they’re not allowed to. Players can also purchase items in the game with cryptocurrency, which leads us into our next topic – cryptocurrencies.

Scarf is a puzzle game that has been released on the Google Play Store. It was developed by a small indie company called “Lobstersoft”. The game comes with three different modes, and players can choose to play in either single player or multiplayer mode.

I’ll tell you the truth. Scarf’s presence had absolutely escaped my notice. Scarf was first shown in 2018, in the middle of the 3D platforming and indie adventure revivals brought on by Super Mario Odyssey and RiME, and it seemed quite promising at the time. The issue is that the game was never released after its original announcement. Time passed, countless of titles were launched, and I honestly believed THQ Nordic and their devs had quietly killed Scarf. Fast forward to the latter days of 2021, and the game has finally been released, although quietly and exclusively for PCs. I suppose it’s better late than never. Let’s have a look at Scarf and see whether the long wait was worthwhile.


Yes, you are allowed to pet the dragon.

Scarf conveys its tale via a handful of well-voiced cutscenes, despite the fact that its idea didn’t immediately resonate with me. You play as an unnamed protagonist, a small spirit-like hero who decides to avenge the death of a majestic dragon by traveling through various worlds and assisting the dragon’s child, a small baby dragon who can morph into a variety of objects, including the titular scarf worn around the protagonist’s neck. It’s a really uninteresting narrative, but it gets the job done. It motivates you to go to other realms and acquire new skills for your transforming dragon scarf.

The game itself is a conventional platformer that doesn’t provide much in the way of difficulty. It has no intention of doing so. It’s a short game that can be played in one or two sessions, featuring easy platforming and puzzle solving that won’t take up much of your mental energy. Scarf’s goal is to employ gameplay as a means of conveying its tale while also providing players with some gorgeous scenery. It also has metroidvania-like characteristics, as you may upgrade your scarf to get additional skills like gliding, double leaping, and a ballista mechanism, all of which can be utilized to find items outside of the game’s linear course.


I can’t help but think that instead of being a PC-only game, this would have been a far better match for the Switch.

Scarf strives to lure players with its presentation in addition to its adorable but simplistic narrative. It didn’t knock my socks off, but the levels were charming, even if the framerate was a little sluggish. Especially when I was in an area with a lot of complexity and particle effects, like the main hub planet, which uses intricate grass effects even at low graphics settings. All of this is complemented by a few piano-driven tunes, the kind you’d expect from an indie game attempting to communicate a “emotional” storyline. Even though they didn’t quite strike me in the feels as intended, I’ll accept that they were well-composed and sung.

All of this is fine, but there is one little snag, which is mostly a personal problem rather than a technological flaw: we’ve seen this before. Countless occasions. Scarf in 2021 makes me feel like I’m playing an old game that got buried in my backlog during a Steam Holiday Sale spending binge. For as charming as the scarf morphing mechanics are, the level design reminds me of RiME, the character drawings remind me of Journey, and the whole presentation reminds me of numerous other “cutesy” indie adventures published in recent years.

Scarf isn’t horrible because of this; far from it. It’s simply that, strangely enough, it already seems a little antiquated. Uninteresting. The indie platformer environment has shifted dramatically in recent years, and what seemed promise in 2018 has been carried away by a flood of fresh, wholly different approaches to the genre. The introduction of next-generation consoles and technology also introduced new effects and settings that were previously present in lower-budget games, making this game a near-victim of its extraordinarily lengthy production cycle.


Scarf’s platforming sequences aren’t very difficult. It’s going to be a smooth and (perhaps) emotional voyage for you.

Scarf is a fine game, but it didn’t leave a lasting effect on me. I played it, and although I loved it while it lasted, all I could think of when I finished it was how much more I would have enjoyed it three years ago, when it was initially announced, and when 3D indie puzzlers were still a niche, a breath of new air in the market. Unfortunately, this game was published a few years after the enthusiasm had worn down. If you enjoy games like RiME, Journey, and Super Lucky’s Tale, it’s still worth picking up, but don’t expect to be astonished.


Colorful, fantasy-inspired graphics that brought to mind RiME and other story-driven platformers. In no way jaw-dropping, yet appealing to the eye. Simple platforming and even simpler puzzle-solving are combined in a relaxed atmosphere. The game’s minor but visible metroidvania aspects help it stand out even more.
The music was far from horrible, even if it didn’t exactly amaze me with its emotive instruments and melodies. In addition, the voice acting was rather good. You’ve played a lot of other games like Scarf before. Even while it is far from a horrible game, it is difficult to find anything in it that hasn’t been done before.
Final Score: 7.0

Scarf is now playable on PC.

On a computer, I reviewed it.

The publisher sent me with a copy of Scarf.

As an example:

As if Loading…

Look at them!

Watch This Video-

The “el hijo review” is a review of Scarf – which is an app that allows you to share your location with friends.

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